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Kinnerton Morris men Chester Join us  Morris Dancing Chester

Welcome to Kinnerton Morris Men - Chester

Morris is fun, a good way to keep fit and is superbly sociable. 


Experienced dancers moving to the area are very welcome, however you certainly don't need to have danced before. A love of music and a sense of rhythm and coordination are really all you need, we'll help with the rest.


If you are an experienced dancer and want to see what dances and traditions we do - please look here. Better still, come along and dance with us!


Rather like choirs, Morris sides are either all male, all female or mixed.

Whilst we have a long tradition of (and actively encourage) ladies joining us

as musicians, we choose to be a men's dancing side. 


As such we are always looking for more men to join us, either to dance, play or both. Whilst we encourage ladies to join us as musicians, we are a men's dancing side. If you would prefer to dance with a ladies' side or a mixed side we can happily put you in touch with suitable sides locally.


Please feel free to join us at any practice night at the Scout Hut, Tower Road, Chester (the one shaped like a boat) most Tuesday nights from early October to late April (though it's sensible to check first) or come along to any of our events in the summer and have a chat.


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